An animated series following a middle-aged dad who fights petty crime in his small town.
Kevin is a middle-aged dad who has a not-so-secret identity: Koala Man - a neighborhood hero whose only superpower is a passion for following rules and dealing with petty crime in the Australian town of Dapto.
While it seems like any other suburb, forces of evil - both cosmic and man-made - lie in wait to pounce on the unsuspecting townsfolk. Koala Man is on a quest to clean up his hometown, and he'll do whatever it takes to defeat villainous masterminds, supernatural horrors, or worse: jerks who don't take their rubbish bins down on the proper days.
Comments (1)
01/20/23 at 09:45am
It's actually a really funny and interesting show, I hope it gets renewed for at least a few more seasons.