Life on Our Planet

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3.8  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Oct 25, 2023 - Present




Narrator - Morgan Freeman

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A docuseries chronicling the story of life's epic, four billion-year journey on Earth.

There are currently 20 million species on Earth, but we only see just a snapshot in time; 99% of the planet's inhabitants are lost deep in the past, and the rise and fall of these dynasties is truly remarkable.

In partnership with Industrial Light & Magic, this documentary series uses the latest technology and science to bring long extinct creatures back to life, revealing the incredible story of life on our planet.

Comments (2)

11/17/23 at 01:38pm

Sometimes the series is a bit slow, but well worth watching it. I learned a lot.
Steve S.
10/25/23 at 04:36am

The story of life. Everyone puts out their own. This version looks good.

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