A reality series where celebrities take on demanding training exercises.
Sixteen celebrities from various fields tackle a series of demanding training exercises led by an elite team of ex-special forces operatives.
The only way for the recruits to leave is to decide to give up, through failure or potential injury, or by force from the Directing Staff.
The recruits face the harshest of environments that simulate the highly classified selection process, pushing themselves in a way they have never been challenged before.
Comments (3)
09/01/23 at 09:27am
Unfortunately, "reality" shows is all we have left with the writers strike going on. I wish they'd hurry up and be done with it, giving the writers what they deserve and get back to having reasonable television. Sure, I find this particular show fairly interesting, but with the nobody's on it (celebrities....right), it's not that great. If it weren't for the strike, I could see this being cancelled. "Reality" television has been leading to our downfall as a species, and it wish it would stop.
03/02/23 at 12:03pm
Seriously!?!? Hannah Brown? There is no way she should have passed! Carli Lloyd? When it started, I thought maybe she had a chance, but she failed about 75% of the tests!
01/04/23 at 01:10am
Please stop the reality inundation.