The Buccaneers

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3.6  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Nov 08, 2023 - Present


Apple TV+




Nan - Kristine FrosethConchita - Alisha BoeMabel - Josie TotahLizzy - Aubri IbragJinny - Imogen WaterhouseHonoria - Mia ThreapletonMrs. St. George - Christina HendricksRichard - Josh Dylan

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A drama inspired by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Edith Wharton's final novel.

In 1870s London, a group of fun-loving young American girls explode onto the tightly corseted scene, launching an Anglo-American culture clash by infiltrating the land of the stiff upper lip with a refreshing disregard for centuries of tradition. Sent to secure husbands and titles, the buccaneers are looking for more than only that, and getting married is just the beginning.

Comments (6)

11/08/23 at 01:51pm

What is this garbáge?
Steve S.
11/08/23 at 10:32am

Wasn't Meghan an expensive mail-order date. No dutch from her. Since Markle isn't on the cast list, it can only mean one thing. Meghan and Harry should be getting their own fruity show on Apple.
Just Keith
11/08/23 at 05:44am

Didn't Megan Markle already do this?
We already know how it turns out IRL.
10/18/23 at 02:04am

Should be called "Golddiggers". Ugly stupid women.
10/08/23 at 10:21am

Sorry, This isn't for me.
10/08/23 at 10:21am

Sorry but this isn't for me.

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