Boat Story

- Concluded -
2.5  Avg User Rating
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Air Date

Mar 12, 2024






Janet - Daisy HaggardSamuel - Paterson Joseph

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A limited drama following two strangers who find a shipwrecked boat full of cocaine.

Janet and Samuel are two strangers who can't believe their luck when they stumble upon a shipwrecked boat loaded with cocaine. Both desperate for a fresh start, they agree to sell the drugs and split the proceeds. But it won't be that easy, as the police, masked hit men, and a sharp-suited gangster are all hot on their tail.

Comments (1)

Steve S.
03/12/24 at 08:22am

Two strangers stumble upon a shipwrecked boat loaded with cocaine. Talk about boatloads Get your load here on Amazon Freebase.

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