
- On Air -
3.5  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Jan 09, 2024 - Present




Drama / Action


Echo - Alaqua CoxZahn - William LopezKingpin - Vincent D'OnofrioDaredevil - Charlie Cox

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A spin-off of Marvel's 'Hawkeye' following Maya Lopez returning to her hometown.

Maya Lopez, aka Echo, is a deaf Cheyenne-Latin American warrior who uses her photographic reflexes to fight crime. In this origin story, Maya's ruthless behavior in New York catches up with her in her hometown. She must face her past, reconnect with her Native American roots, and embrace the meaning of family and community in order to move forward.

Comments (7)

07/21/24 at 11:08am

Love this..
01/27/24 at 09:00pm

Curious if woke comments were made before watching the show! It's a great show and I didn't find it woke at all! Maybe judgement should be reserved until people actually know what they are talking about.
01/09/24 at 06:59am

Can't wait, show will be top-notch, just like Hawkeye.

Awesome to see all the MRA/MAGA ppl out in force, flying their flags loud and proud.
01/05/24 at 05:19am

Doesn't look promising...
09/23/23 at 01:45am

This show is going to be horrible.. Basically woke version of Arrow
Corey Kramer
09/04/23 at 07:33am

could be good, she is a very cool character in the comic books
06/18/23 at 09:23pm

Woke crap should be canceled!

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