Created and narrated by renowned chef René Redzepi, co-owner of the celebrated restaurant Noma, this series invites viewers on an immersive exploration of food. It delves into the profound beauty and complex intricacies of the human experience, viewed through the key ingredients that unite us.
Each episode celebrates the cultivation, transformation and consumption of eight of the world's most essential ingredients, including bananas, chilies, coffee, corn, pork, rice, salt and tuna, revealing how they serve as the cornerstones of global cultural heritage.
Viewers embark on a globe-trotting journey, discovering the complex tales of ingredients that have molded societies, cultures, beliefs, and human history's trajectory. The series transports its audience to global destinations such as Denmark, Serbia, Thailand, Spain, Japan, Djibouti, Peru, South Korea, France, Colombia, India, Bali, Rwanda, Mexico, and various places across the United States.