Time Bandits

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Air Dates

Jul 24, 2024 - Present


Apple TV+


Penelope - Lisa Kudrow

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An adaptation of the 1981 cult classic movie of the same name.

An eccentric crew of bandits transports through time and space on epic adventures, stumbling upon fascinating worlds of the distant past while seeking out treasure.

The Time Bandits witness the creation of Stonehenge, see the Trojan Horse in action, escape dinosaurs in the prehistoric ages, wreak havoc during medieval times, experience the ice age, ancient civilizations, the Harlem Renaissance, and much more along the way.

Their newest recruit is an 11-year-old history buff named Kevin, who they depend on to shed light on each situation they encounter. Together, they set out on a thrilling quest to save the boy's parents - and the world.

Comments (3)

07/24/24 at 10:01am

This looks good and like it will make it at least 3 season and earn its creators millions and they won't go broke from it.

Martin is a troll. No one can be that mad at a fantasy trailer. If someone was then they would be unable to function in society.
If your not a troll then we all hope you can get the help you need to regognize your anger and avoid modern media, as it seems to anger you.
07/24/24 at 07:34am

I loved this movie as a kid. This looks like a good remake, I hope it is.

Martin... I hope you get the help you need. It must be tough going through life being so angry at things that are "woke".
07/24/24 at 00:42am

Looks a load of utter PC/Woke c**p, more rubbish with poor acting and hidden agenda's. It will be cancelled

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