NBC has placed the comedy on extended hiatus, but don't consider it Cancelled yet.
November 15, 2011
NBC released its 2011-12 midseason schedule this week, and notably absent from its lineup is comedy Community, which has been struggling in the ratings so far this season. The network shuffled other shows around into different time periods and slotted in a few newcomers, which unfortunately left Community and cop drama Prime Suspect out in the cold - for now.
While the network won't confirm its future plans for either show, word is that Community is not considered 'Cancelled' at this point in time, and its full third season will likely eventually air in its entirety. As for a fourth season renewal, its prospects don't look too bright at this point. The show's viewership will undoubtedly have to improve if and when it returns to the air later this season.
(Source: The Hollywood Reporter)
Billy Blues
12/24/11 at 01:46pm
NBC has a bad habit of pulling great shows. Stop worrying about dipping ratings and consider quality for once! Here's a show with a great cast and outstanding creative writing. C'mon NBC, WAKE UP!
12/23/11 at 10:04am
So this show is put on Hiatus, but Whitney is staying ON??? WTF??? NBC Executives need to pull their heads out of their asses!!
12/07/11 at 01:55pm
I am so disappointed!!! Love this show!
12/04/11 at 03:00pm
I figure if enough people get on facebook and like this page : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Save-Community/238961206167972?sk=wall
we might have a shot at keeping the show going!! get as many people as possible to like this page, it serves as a petition!!
11/30/11 at 04:08pm
I'll sign and get a lot of people to sign a petition. Anything to keep this show on the air! One of the greatest ever made!
11/28/11 at 03:39am
This world is dead to me if community is canceled.
11/28/11 at 01:38am
Noooooooo!. Don't cancel community. Give us a different day, or a different time or something.
Maybe it is time for an online petition. It worked for Chuck
11/27/11 at 06:34pm
6 seasons and a movie!!
11/27/11 at 06:28pm
think its time for someone to start an online petition
11/26/11 at 03:02pm
They better bring this show back for a fourth season
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