4.3 Avg User Rating
The new drama has received a 'back nine' pick-up from the network.
October 23, 2012
CBS announced today that freshman drama Vegas has been picked up for a full season. The network has ordered the back nine episodes to top up the count to 22.
The series, which follows a fourth-generation rancher tasked with restoring order to Las Vegas in the 1960s, has so far aired three episodes since premiering in late September.
(Source: TV by the Numbers)
Comments (226)
04/11/15 at 11:49am
I just found Vegas on Amazon Prime. What a great show. What a shame it was canceled. There aren't many shows on CBS worth watching. This one would have been a pleasant exception.
02/26/15 at 12:00pm
I've recently started watching Vegas, on Amazon. Way to go CBS. Drop another show that has a growing fan base and keep some of the mind numbing corpses of series that make boredom seem earth shatteringly appealing. Gotta hand it to you, you are consistent with your idiotic decision making abilities.
07/14/14 at 08:40pm
I believe this is just another example of "upper management corporate idiots entertainment industry and otherwise. Being so out of touch. And we all know how far up the "food chain" that goes. Vegas was an outstanding show, performance, visual and plot. Ratings according to what? I never had a vote-did you? Let's just hope as entertainment is moving in the direction as it is, internet and cable productions...that one of these networks will resume this show, because again you "executives" are so out of touch....asses!
11/12/13 at 01:02pm
I cannot believe that you would cancel a show of this caliber and keep the crap that you have................
10/06/13 at 08:37pm
I just got word that Vegas was cancelled. I guess CBS is following NBC's mistakes. This was a good show that kept my 60 year old interest...guess CBS does nir care about our generation. From morning shows to primetime.. I guess that leaves us ABC if they do not screw up... Perhaps we can reach ABC to pick up Vegas? Very sad CBS...very sad!
10/06/13 at 11:18am
You are out of your mind! Taking Vegas off the air is a crying shame. It is one of the best shows I have seen in a long time. Bring it back ASAP!
10/05/13 at 02:48pm
VEGAS, previously on CBS, was one of the best series to come along in a long time. Too many foolish "comedy" shows,that are actually foolish, are taking over. Who makes these decisions???
09/25/13 at 08:26am
You people at CBS suck. You get people involved in a great show like Vegas and then you pull the plug on it and leave your viewers hanging. These reality tv shows that you networks put on are so stupid and the audience that watches them are stupid too, so what do you do, you keep the crap on for the stupid audience. Thank god for cable because I THINK IN THE FUTURE YOU REGULAR NETWORKS WILL BE VANISHED FOREVER!!!!!
08/22/13 at 00:25am
Whats amatter with CBS you get a excelent show on it tells a story. The other crappy reality shows we could do without. I have Dish and i watch the Western channel more than any other channell.Who cares about all these reality showes At least Vegas told a story. It was a weekly series like Dallas you couldn't wait till the next week to see what happens. Why don't you ask the people what they want not what you want. Who want's to see vampires their is and older croud out their besides all the young that don't know a good show if they saw one.
08/18/13 at 10:32am
Hopefully, another network will pick it up. CBS has never been the sharpest tack in the pile.
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