4.5 Avg User Rating
No Season 2 for the new drama.
June 15, 2015
It is being reported that A&E has cancelled The Returned after one season. The freshman drama aired 10 episodes this spring but failed to draw significant ratings for the cable network.
The Returned was an adaptation of the 2012 French series Les Revenants. Even though that show premiered three years ago, it will be returning for a second season this fall. Another American series with a similar premise, Resurrection, was also cancelled last month after two seasons on ABC.
Comments (44)
10/05/15 at 08:24am
The Returned is matched for stupidity by Lost and anything currently on 'The CW'. The fact that the show has been rebranded on a big network attests to the shows' banality.
07/18/15 at 02:43pm
Geez...A&E is almost as bad as ABC on cancelling good shows. I refuse to watch a new show on ABC because they all seem to get cancelled. The only other good show on A&E is Bates and I guess I will watch it until it's cancelled> I WON'T be watching anymore new shows on this channel. Crap...I am still mad at A&E for cancelling Longmire. STRIKE TWO!!!
07/14/15 at 06:56am
it is returning this fall? It has been reported that A & E have cancelled The Returned for a second season? Which statement is true?
07/07/15 at 05:27am
I really liked this show and get tired of suspense/horror shows being cancelled after a season while really stupid shows go on and on.
06/29/15 at 02:33pm
This was a remake of the much spookier French version. In fact resurrection and this were spawned by the success of that show. which will return. I did like all three shows and only the original show remains on the sundance channel.
06/27/15 at 10:54am
I liked this version of the show. The French version is better though. It's much more spooky. Still this show was a good version and I will miss it. A and e never gives their shows much of a chance though.
06/26/15 at 08:38pm
I have stopped watch new shows all together and just DVR them, if they make it to season two I will start watching. It is so ridiculous the networks expect a great following in just a few shows.
06/26/15 at 12:01pm
I agree with Patrick J. It's very annoying to invest your time in a show and the network doesn't see fit to tie up loose ends for the audience. I liked this show.
06/25/15 at 01:47pm
I loved this show the first two seasons and all the network said about it is true. But something just didn't work the first few shows of Season 3, like it was reaching too far...I don't mean in art or gore, just plot....I hope HBO or Netflix picks it up. But, be careful....we obviously are living in the mind of Hugh Dancey's character...Co-dependency to the max I would say.
06/23/15 at 09:07pm
Well at least it got a full season. Good for you A&E for giving it a chance. We all knew it was going to fail, but at least YOU GAVE IT A CHANCE.
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