3.8 Avg User Rating
The USA drama will return in 2017.
August 16, 2016
USA Network announced today that Mr. Robot has been renewed for a third season. The hacker drama is currently airing its sophomore run, with six episodes still to go until its mid-September finale. While its ratings have been on the weaker side in Season 2, the show has continued to draw plenty of critical acclaim, including six Emmy Award nominations this year.
USA has not stated how many episodes are on order for Season 3, though a 2017 return has been confirmed.
Comments (13)
08/17/16 at 07:15am
Great renewal!!! Love this show!!!
08/17/16 at 07:14am
Scott Marble sat alone at lunch with no friends and people threw food at him.
08/17/16 at 00:33am
1st season was fantastic. 2nd season is dragging slowly. the new character played by grace gummer is very good. the sitcom episode was horrendous. by the time season 3 comes I probably won't care or watch.
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