A reality series following a group of six lesbians and their daily lives in LA.
Taking a page from the fictional series "The L Word", this reality show follows the lives of six real-life lesbians in Los Angeles, California.
Comments (5)
09/22/14 at 10:59am
Some of the women were real skanks, but the more classy women, mmmm, yes!
09/10/14 at 06:55am
Enjoyed watching this show the first season but by the 3rd it took a turn for the worst. So, I am not sad that it has been cancelled, the show became RACHET!!!!!!
08/05/13 at 02:48am
When does season 4 start?! I miss this show!
07/05/13 at 01:32pm
Is this show cancelled? If not when does season 4 start?
04/14/13 at 11:07pm
What is going on with this show?? I love this show. They need to have more Lesbian and Gay shows.