A medical drama following a group of six doctors searching for reasons that brought each of them to medicine.
Set in a remote South American village, Off the Map follows a group of doctors working at a medical clinic as they delve into what brought them to medicine.
Comments (60)
05/11/13 at 08:59pm
Off the map is awesome! I have to say it kept my interest every week. Advertising people, advertising! Give it another go.
10/04/12 at 08:24pm
I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENES!!!!!!!!! Please bring it back!!
09/11/12 at 08:51pm
Loved this show. So sick of reality shows. It really sucks when a network gets a show as good as this and cancels it only to replace it with yet another stupid reality show or some other garbage.
08/26/12 at 10:26am
Awesome show it was not advertized enough hard to find!!!
06/17/12 at 07:28pm
They didn't even give this one a chance too take Roots..potentially a good show!!!
06/04/12 at 04:41am
Again very disappointed!! This show was very good.
05/15/12 at 07:46pm
This was the most amazing show ever other than ncis, I was shocked to find that it was cancelled. The last episode made it seem like they were going to keep the show on but no they didnt and its is disappointing!!!:( I abosolutely LOVED THIS SHOW AND IT NEEDS TO COME BACK ON THE AIR!!!!!!!!!!!!
05/14/12 at 09:04pm
Please bring back this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so great. What is the matter with CBS????
05/13/12 at 09:21pm
I loved this show! It shouldn't have been cancelled!
05/11/12 at 12:21pm
this was such a good show..pls bring it back...
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