A comedy following a law school graduate chasing the American dream.
Cristela is a Mexican-American law school student in her sixth year. She is finally ready to accept her first unpaid internship at a prestigious law firm, but her career path is more ambitious than her traditional family thinks is appropriate.
Comments (21)
05/08/15 at 07:51am
This show needs another chance. It got better after the first few episodes. A laugh out loud comedy.
05/07/15 at 08:00pm
I love this show!!! Please just move it to another night!!!
04/19/15 at 05:14pm
This is a good clean comedy! one you can watch with your kids, I sure hope it is renewed. Not many shows you can watch anymore that isn't filthy! hope it's on for a long time!
04/11/15 at 02:13pm
I love this show.. There are not many comedies on anymore, so please keep it on the air. It's funny, it's smart, I just love it...
03/22/15 at 10:30pm
This such a funny show, I love it!!
03/21/15 at 01:27pm
ABC needs to move Cristela on a new night to help improve its ratings. Years ago and still today, when shows do bad on a certain night the networks move the show to a new day, new time slot, to save it, hey, they did that for "Everybody Loves Raymond" why not do it for Cristela? But no, ABC won't, but why? Because she's Mexican and ABC only put Cristela on not because ABC loves Mexicans but they put the funny Cristela on to just be a token for the network to show that ABC doesn't mind hiring Mexican actors. Putting the funny Cristela on ABC was ABC's way to silent the Mexican community from continuously complaining about their not being enough Latinos on ABC. Shame on you ABC, the TV critics like Cristela, well, the TV critics liked "Everybody Loves Raymond" and when the TV critics backed up Ray Roman's show CBS saved it and moved it to a new day and time, well since the TV critics backed up "Every Body Loves Raymond" to persuade CBS not to cancel it then why isn't ABC listening to the TV critics also when it comes to them liking Cristela and in turn do for it what CBS do for "Everybody Loves Raymond," that being, move it also to a new day and time but ABC won't because it proves that they just put the funny Cristela on their network just to keep the Mexican community silent from saying the network never puts on Mexican actors.
03/14/15 at 08:56pm
Great show. Hope the network renews it. It's actually funny, as in comedy!
02/21/15 at 01:58pm
I watch only three network TV shows. I always look forward to watch Cristela. I record it and watch it at least twice. It is funny and makes sound political statements concerning Hispanics and women.
11/29/14 at 02:03pm
Love the show!! Adore Carlos Ponce.!! Can't get enough of FLUFFY!!!!! I hope this show lasts for at least 8 seasons!
10/29/14 at 07:09am
I think this will make it at least half way. I laughed quite a few times.
Most new comedies make me sigh, roll my eyes, and change the channel.
Most new comedies make me sigh, roll my eyes, and change the channel.
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