08/03/16 at 08:23am
Enjoyed this concept;would like to see more.
07/30/16 at 02:29am
One of the main reason's I don't watch new show on TNT, they started acting like the three major networks and cancelling good shows before word of mouth could spread around about the show. Agent X was a good, fun and exciting show to watch. I loved it and still miss it. Also, they canceled it in such a disrespectful way to the fans' without any warning, they just give them ax. I'll wait until I can trust TNT again, before I commit to any of their new shows...they'll have to earn my attention from now on. ABC canceled, "Forever" Big, Huge mistake. FYI, I also, miss Perception and the Transporter.
05/29/16 at 09:29am
A quality show. I was truly surprised to hear it had been cancelled. I never watch reality shows; cancel them and make room to bring back some of the good shows that have been shelved.
04/01/16 at 11:06am
too bad it was a great show, it's amazing some of the junk shows are still existing,you must give the show another chance
ann davis
03/10/16 at 04:39pm
What is wrong with TNT canceled a great show, and keep the junk on, can't stand most of what is on TV these days. Please reconsider and renew
Happy Camper
03/08/16 at 03:03pm
Great show and I love Sharon Stone. Never missed an episode. Season 2 please!
Damon Kuzma
03/05/16 at 01:27pm
Great show and I heard it has been cancelled but with so many shows that are bs this isn't one of them I would like to see another season
02/28/16 at 03:47pm
agree should have gave it a chance!!
02/24/16 at 10:23pm
I loved the show and I am very disappointed if you cancelled it, Don't you know what a good show is or not?
Neil Hansen
02/16/16 at 03:15pm
Shame it is a good show give it a second chance it will pick up