A reality series following the life of a woman suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
Whitney Thore is an average girl from a small town in North Carolina. She was once a slender dancer but during college unexpectedly gained 200 pounds over the course of a single year due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
It took Whitney quite some time to deal with the life-changing effects of her condition, but now she is content with her body and has a fresh outlook on life.
Currently living with her parents, Whitney is getting prepared to venture out on her own and claim her independence in a world that judges people by their size.
Comments (79)
09/08/18 at 01:12am
Love her and the show! I miss it please don't cancel!
09/07/18 at 09:24pm
I agree with many others. I love the show & praying it comes back on. I think we feel like Whitney is so relatable & miss seeing her adventures in life!
09/07/18 at 10:11am
There's a few things about the show bothering me, Mr. Buddy it always seems he don't have enough $ to buy tolit paper but he can go on vacations all the time.. oh shit ty Whitney.. I think her mom and dad are the best..
09/05/18 at 03:55pm
Bring Shitney b ack; she is inspirational
08/28/18 at 10:56am
08/27/18 at 09:31pm
Love Whitney & how she is such a strong person. I wish I could as postive as she is. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I hope the network keeps the show. I also love Babs she is a great addition to the show!!
08/23/18 at 08:54am
Is My Big Fat Fabulous Life coming back ??? Miss it bunches!
08/21/18 at 06:59pm
I love her attitude! The only thing I would change if I could I’d request for her to be more accessible. None of my correspondence is ever returned
08/15/18 at 07:26pm
Please do not cancel this show. I love it and it does lots of good for so many young women of the world (not just USA). Adore her parents and friends.
08/14/18 at 09:02pm
Please have season 6
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