A drama set in a world where regular humans and those with superpowers co-exist.
Christian Walker and Deena Pilgrim are homicide detectives who investigate special cases involving people who have extraordinary abilities. Christian was once one of them, but had his abilities taken from him.
These people, known as Powers, co-exist alongside regular humans in society but don't necessarily use their gifts for good. Instead, everything from endorsement deals to mischief and even murder can be found.
Comments (2)
09/20/16 at 12:42pm
1st season was OK and made me want to see what happened next. 2nd season (well, 1st 4-5 eps) was below average and boring and I had no idea what was going on (probably cause I "switched off" through boredom whilst watching it). Not surprised it got cancelled.
08/03/16 at 10:49pm
playstation has shows? well this sounds like a fun show. oh well it's cancelled.