10/14/16 at 11:01am
Great show i hope it continues!
John M. Allen
10/12/16 at 09:16pm
The scenery surely doesn't reflect the Atlantic seaboard but rather the Pacific Northwest (BC to be specific) where it is actually filmed. Otherwise, I like the show and hope it is renewed.
10/11/16 at 05:35pm
I love the series so far and hope it gets at least a 2nd Season. I have read the series, with book 1 going back 7 years, so I will re-read the series now. Book 2 is Bree's story so I am intrigued to see how they start working hers and her other sibling's stories from the books into the TV show. Since book 1 was Abby's story, they did a good job of concluding some thing but continuing her story with Trace.
09/26/16 at 05:26am
I love this show! I hope that it will last for a while!
08/23/16 at 06:44pm
So far so good!! I love the hallmark channel but they cancelled Cedar cove which I wasn't happy about but I'm giving them another chance if they cancel this one then I'm done with Hallmark much like I am other network television. They don't give anything a chance anymore back in the day you never really heard of shows being cancelled. I'm also interested in this show because of Treat Williams who was one of the stars in my favorite show Everwood...yet another "gone too soon" show. But anyways I'm enjoying the show so far and it's just good clean wholesome fun which is also something you don't see much of anymore. Hallmark don't blow it!!!!!