A musical drama following three young singers on the rise in the music business.
Star is a tough young woman who spent her childhood in foster care after the death of her mother. Wanting to leave her past behind and take control of her destiny, Star gets together with her sister and her best friend, and they all travel to Atlanta with a dream of becoming music superstars.
Fame doesn't come easy though, and the three girls soon realize they'll need each other more than ever as they confront the dark reality of the cutthroat music business.
Comments (13)
08/30/19 at 08:00am
This show is kind of liken the "girl power" version of Empire..
05/25/19 at 08:42pm
Love the show, please don’t cancel
05/22/19 at 12:13pm
Someone needs to pick it up PLEASE!
05/16/19 at 04:15pm
I love this show. Way to let the fans down.
05/11/19 at 11:38pm
I seriously can't believe that Fox cancelled it especially with that cliff hanger
05/06/18 at 03:50pm
I love this show! I hope it gets renewed for a season 3.
04/05/17 at 09:46pm
I in joy the show star I think it tell the true about life and the music business
02/24/17 at 08:54pm
Wow, I deleted this after 3 episodes. It never even occurred to me that it might get picked up...
02/23/17 at 01:15pm
yay!!! Had a little bit of a rough start but I do really enjoy this series for what it is!
02/15/17 at 03:20pm
I enjoy this show !
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