A fantasy drama following a trio's quest save the Four Lands from a demon army.
Thousands of years after the fall of mankind and civilization, the Four Lands is now in great danger. The fate of the world rests in the hands of an unlikely trio consisting of an Elven Princess, a human rover, and a half-human half-elf.
Together they embark on a quest to prevent a demon army from destroying the Four Lands.
Comments (24)
03/30/19 at 03:21am
i will never watch series .... why did they cancelled the only fantasy worth watching?????
05/11/18 at 09:45pm
are you for real
02/07/18 at 10:28am
Better than the awful books but still rubbish no surprise it got cancelled
01/31/18 at 06:45pm
I really liked the show. Guess I'll actually have to read the books. Will really miss seeing the Shannara Chronicles.
11/23/17 at 00:46am
I love this show. Season 2 has been well written and directed. The acting is great too. Lots of action and great story telling. Spike carries it now. Not the best network choice but neither was MTV. I hope it gets picked up for a third season. This is an excellent heroes quest to watch. I can look through any flaws and see only a great show.
11/18/17 at 08:10am
I still love the show. Maybe it's cuz I've not read the books. No matter I don't watch programming I don't like then go and complain about it. You don't like it ... don't watch it ... jm
11/02/17 at 05:16pm
I sincerely hope this show is cancelled after these horrific 2 seasons. I know they have only 4 episodes out of season 2, but as an avid fan of all the Shannara books, they have horribly butchered this great fantasy series. I'm a huge fan of Game of Thrones and while yes, they have deviated from George R.R. Martin's books, they have kept true to the spirit of the storyline. NOT SO WITH THE SHANNARA CHRONICLES. This is horrible, kill it, put it out of it's misery already!!!
02/05/17 at 08:01am
Just started binge watching - it's pretty good. Looking forward to the next season!
08/26/16 at 11:28pm
Should have started with Sword of Shannara, also have been more true to the book plot. Way to much reference to the former modern world. Terry! please stop the producers from shredding your awesome books
08/19/16 at 08:41am
Will they ring the show back for another season?
I think it was very well done... Great CGI
I think it was very well done... Great CGI
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