A drama following the medieval politics and warfare of the Knights Templar.
Years after the fall of the city of Acre, the Templar's last stronghold in the Holy Land, a clue emerges suggesting the whereabouts of the lost Holy Grail.
This sends the Templars, a powerful and mysterious military order of the Middle Ages entrusted to protect Christianity's precious relics, on a dangerous mission to find the lost Cup of Christ.
Comments (11)
05/07/20 at 10:16pm
Great show with so many stories to tell. too bad. Good show.
04/06/20 at 07:01pm
Indeed. I'd love to see Philippe, Nogaret, Louis and Isabella get the comeuppance that history gave them. Besides, many Templars took refuge in Portugal, where the order changed its name.
06/06/19 at 06:10am
there is still so much more that show can explore after the destruction and it was not to be a history lesson after all, so let them have some fun exploring what could have become of all those displaced Templar Knights...give us another season
04/24/19 at 08:53pm
Compelling! We can’t wait for each episode. We love the characters and the twists in the plot.Brilliantly written. It has it all. We want more. A lot more!
08/16/18 at 01:14pm
not sure why it hasn't been posted but it has been renewed
02/11/18 at 06:27am
Fingers crossed the History channel renews this show....it's been great so far with epic battles, just enough drama and historic-license that it's not a soap opera, and quite honestly just great entertainment. Finale gives us both closure and hope for more, so please History channel, take note and give us more !!
02/10/18 at 07:57am
Damn good show. It better be renewed ‘cause I want to see the showdown between Landry & the King! That will be epic!
02/09/18 at 05:47am
Great show......finale was amazing, exactly what we expected
02/07/18 at 08:19pm
What a show now paired up with Vikings on the History channel! Just watched the finale it was EPIC as I thought it would be and am assuming this has been renewed! Sure pray to God it has!
02/03/18 at 01:34pm
Fantastic show, more happens in one episode than most shows entire season. Intrigue, betrayal, mystery and action what more could you ask for!
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