A comedic horror following a couple dealing with the fallout after one of them becomes a zombie.
Joel and Sheila Hammond are realtors leading lives of discontent in the Los Angeles suburb of Santa Clarita. Things take an unexpectedly dark turn when Sheila goes through a dramatic change that leaves her needing human flesh to survive.
With their lives turned upside down, Joel will do everything he can to find a way to provide for his family until they can figure things out.
Comments (15)
03/09/17 at 07:35am
Pretty cute show. Hope its returned for season 2!!
02/09/17 at 01:36pm
The DREW and TIM lover comment is a paid shill. I have seen this exact comment, word for word on every message board about this horrible show.
02/04/17 at 02:57pm
One of the best things on Netflix at the moment. A true classic in the making. Can't wait for season 2.
02/03/17 at 09:51pm
Hollywood has clearly hit rock bottom. Timothy Olyphant must be getting blackmailed into doing this. Nathan Fillion ... shame on you.
02/03/17 at 04:37am
Feels a like iZombie
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