A drama following the lives of SEAL Team Six members.
Inspired by true events, this drama takes place in the high stakes world of the elite Navy Special Operations unit known as SEAL Team Six. Its members are tasked with the covert mission of eliminating a Taliban leader in Afghanistan, but the mission goes awry when they discover that a U.S. citizen is working with the terrorists.
Comments (7)
08/14/18 at 01:24pm
Cant believe its been cancelled! hope they bring it back
08/02/18 at 09:50pm
I can't believe History cancelled this show
05/28/18 at 11:27pm
Olivia Munn starts this season looking forward to it.
03/21/17 at 09:59am
How many episodes were there in the first season? I heard there was 8 but my DVR has only 7 episodes taped and I haven't watched any yet.
02/24/17 at 06:14am
I am following this one. It's very good. It however is a drama show , in that it is about the lives of the seals mainly. Of course each episode you get combat too! And this show is based on real seal stories somewhat. It's not a video game type of show. It is like I said I drama and I am glad it's coming back.
02/12/17 at 07:09am
Watched the first 4 episodes, really enjoying this show.
02/06/17 at 03:21am
Anyone following this one guys ?