A drama following an ordinary couple who discovers that their children possess mutant powers.
Reed Strucker is a district attorney and father trying to balance his family responsibilities after splitting with his wife Caitlin, who is struggling with raising their increasingly challenging teenagers.
After discovering that their kids possess mutant powers, Reed and Caitlin are forced to take their family on the run from a hostile government and join up with an underground network of mutants in a fight to survive.
Comments (14)
10/11/17 at 02:03pm
Really enjoying this show so far. Great cast and solid story. Hoping for a long run...
10/08/17 at 11:59am
I really like the pilot! Hope The Gifted is here to stay. :)
10/03/17 at 01:09am
Inhumans is Dumbo whack, pure junk. This 2? Don't want to waste my time?
10/02/17 at 08:58pm
I enjoyed it! I'll give it a shot for now!
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