An animated comedy following a therapy group of animals working through their issues.
Honey is a standard poodle who hosts a group of neighborhood pets and stray animals in her living room so that they can support each other through the misery, mayhem, and majesty that comes with being a pet.
Comments (5)
05/15/24 at 03:22am
I kind of like the show, oh well.
03/26/23 at 11:47am
Another moronic adult cartoon for the ignorant masses.
Reminds me of what Dax Shepards character was watching in "Idiocracy"
Another moronic adult cartoon for the ignorant masses.
Reminds me of what Dax Shepards character was watching in "Idiocracy"
06/01/21 at 08:16pm
Utterly atrocious... or maybe you're supposed to be high when you watch.
05/31/21 at 07:38pm
Wow, even with all this talent, it is still terrible. What a mess! Bring back American Dad or Cleveland show... or re-runs of Married with Children!!
Happy Viewing...
Happy Viewing...
05/17/21 at 06:40pm
I saw the previews and it didn't look very good. Hard pass.