
- On Air -
3.4  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Oct 22, 2021 - Present


Apple TV+


Drama / Sci-fi


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A sci-fi drama following a global alien invasion.

When Earth is visited by an unknown alien species that threatens humanity's existence, people from different continents struggle to make sense of the chaos unfolding around them.

Comments (21)

02/15/22 at 09:57am

Please bring this show back, the show was great. The ending was a cliff hanger and, to leave us without an ending is SO WRONG. please atleast give us an ending. With the price of apple+ the least you can do is give us an ending
12/27/21 at 01:47am

For some reason I like this show. I binge watched it over two days hoping most of the characters meet horrible deaths. The only storyline I enjoyed was the Japanese one. I'm hoping for a season two so they can kill off everyone else.
12/10/21 at 12:15pm

i hope not... cancel it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/23/21 at 10:39pm

I hate every character in this horrible show. I hate the weak mother, the obnoxious self important military jagoff and the whiney Japanese scientist. Don't get me started on those weird lord of the flies brats, all just rubbish.
11/19/21 at 08:45am

Wanted it to be good, but so slow and boring, nothing interesting actually happens, watched 5eps & cant see the point in watching any more :-(
11/17/21 at 11:42am

Without using the words "dog" and "turd" somewhere, no review of this show would be complete. In summary, it's pure dog turd.
11/15/21 at 09:45am

Omg , this is a hard show for to watch. Episode six and they finally figure out aliens are real? It is ok , but it is very slow , the first five eps have almost no aliens in it , and you want the aliens to eat main characters just so they can be gone. I am very forgiving with sci Fi shows , so few last , but this is a rough watch for me. Maybe ep seven will deliver with all out alien stuff like six did but not just with one family
11/05/21 at 06:29am

matt pls do tell, what is promised???
11/01/21 at 10:34am

The only thing I can see this show promising is boredom and disappointment. An utter waste of money when so many other good shows end up cancelled. Watch at your peril.
10/22/21 at 00:24am

Early reviews are not sounding good. I was excited about this one but now I'm not sure I'll bother. At least not right away.

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