Baby Fever

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4.0  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Jun 08, 2022 - Present




Drama / Comedy


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A Danish dramedy following a fertility doctor who drunkenly inseminates herself with her ex-boyfriend's sperm.

Nana is a fertility doctor who gets drunk during a wild night at the clinic and inseminates herself with the sperm of her ex-boyfriend. This rash move gets her pregnant, leaving Nana to come up with a way to explain her condition and win back her ex-boyfriend.

While Nana's pregnancy allows her to see her clients in a different light, her lies are growing bigger, making it harder to keep her story straight. Nana will eventually have to tell the truth, which could ultimately cost her everything.

Comments (1)

Steve S.
06/08/22 at 00:21am

Some pervert got paid for thinking up this crap.

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