An action comedy following an intoxicated special forces team working to find a bomb in Vegas.
After an elite CIA special forces team thwarts a deadly bomb threat in Las Vegas, they celebrate with a bunch of booze and drugs. Unfortunately the party doesn't last long, as they discover that the bomb they deactivated was a fake.
With the clock ticking, the intoxicated team must fight through their impairments and overcome their personal issues to find the real bomb before it goes off.
Comments (5)
03/02/24 at 09:41am
It was a very silly show.But a lot of fun. It would have been hard to do a season 2 and make it work maybe. But rating kill shows often
02/12/24 at 02:58pm
Why do they keep canceling good shows without giving it a chance or promoting it enough? Grrrr arrrrgggg
12/30/23 at 06:36pm
This is a "classic", it has it all sex, drugs and rock 'n roll and a lot more. I just hope we get a season 2 etc that keeps up the same pace. :)
It leaves FUBAR for dead
It leaves FUBAR for dead
11/30/23 at 01:41pm
out standing series, best i have seen in years, better get a season 2
11/30/23 at 10:37am
Probably a bad idea.