05/11/24 at 11:45am
What's wrong with you CBS?? Not enough woke crap so you cancelled one of the best shows on your channel? How about another spin-off or remake an old series with a different color/gender/transcrap?? Smh
bernard s
09/24/23 at 07:48pm
Good show should not been cancelled
08/22/23 at 09:02pm
I had so many shows to watch during the spring, that I am finally watching this show in August 2023. It was the best spring new show in 2023. I am very sad that this show has been cancelled. I think that another network needs to pickup this show and do Season 2. It is not a fire/hospital/police show. Give this show another chance - Please!
06/07/23 at 10:13pm
So So show, would have liked it if it returned. Oh well.
Matthew G.
06/03/23 at 08:08pm
I loved this show! Sad tthat it got cancelled after one season. Some other network play an uno reverse card on the cancellation of this show please!!!!!!!!!
05/29/23 at 10:34pm
That's too bad, I've just started watching it and thought it was a winner. Only at Ep. 3 and the rest would have been worth watching, knowing that it was coming back for S2. Oh well. Maybe someone will pick it up.
05/25/23 at 01:25am
I don't care for shows that glorify criminals.
05/16/23 at 12:10pm
i wish someone would pick this show up
Karen G
05/15/23 at 07:13am
Way to give a show a chance. This would have found fitting if not given a chance. You're going to loose allot of people cutting these shows.
Debbie A
05/15/23 at 03:18am
Disappointed it was cancelled. WHY???