4.7 Avg User Rating
The second installment will feature an all-new cast.
July 21, 2014
FX announced today that Fargo has been renewed for a second season. The Emmy-nominated series will return for another installment that will be set in a different time period and feature an all-new cast of characters.
The cable network has ordered another 10 episodes for Season 2 of Fargo, though a return date has not been specified at this time.
Comments (11)
07/29/14 at 08:57pm
I hope they keep the 2 main characters. Many interesting plots could be used involving them. Please.
07/26/14 at 02:36am
>different time period
Does that mean it won't have anything to do with what happened in the first season? Will it just be a different series of murders that took place in Fargo?
Does that mean it won't have anything to do with what happened in the first season? Will it just be a different series of murders that took place in Fargo?
07/22/14 at 08:12pm
@Colette -- it is NON-FORMULAIC tv. Rather than a 1 hour cop drama where every week it's the same thing over and over and over, FX is branching out with one story that lasts a season, then moves on. It's been VERY successful for shows like American Horror Story. In many cases one or two of the previous cast members remain but the story goes a completely different direction. It honestly is what makes TV worth watching today. It's better than the repetitive cop/legal/medical shows and better than the manufactured reality shows.
07/22/14 at 02:01pm
While the Cohn Bros are masters at their craft, Im not sure replacing everyone will appeal to the followers of season one. I myself Am hesitant of all of them being removed. I am sure it could have used a couple characters from the first season to at least keep the viewers watchin and keep them involved for possibly just the beginning. Say just using Allison's advise on a case or something.. I fear not doing that or using at least one character from season one could lead to its downfall.
07/22/14 at 09:52am
I agree with Jeff, because it's not like there's any other good actors on the face of the earth after Billy Bob and the other key actors/actresses from season one.
07/22/14 at 07:13am
hell ya 1st season was great i hope they kill the 2nd season...
07/22/14 at 06:30am
Don't get his show as we can't get FX on Bell! But is this the new way of doing things? Switch up the cast? People get to know and follow the characters thats the whole part of watching a show I'm not sure if continually changing will cause them to loose viewers because if you don't like the new cast you will stop watching! But its better than all the fairy tale shows we on now which I can't stand!!
07/21/14 at 10:19pm
It's all about the writing more so than the actors delivering the lines. If they keep up the caliber of writing this second season will be as good as the first. I wonder if the second season won't chronicle the events in soiux falls in the late 70's that they meantioned a couple times in the first season.
07/21/14 at 07:32pm
billy bob was wonderful as was Lester Hopefully rhw cown brothes will keep an ey on the writing
07/21/14 at 05:01pm
Hopefully season 2 is as good or better than season 1
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