The acclaimed drama receives a long-awaited pickup.
August 3, 2018
FX confirmed today that Fargo will be returning for a fourth season. And while fans of the critically-acclaimed drama will surely be happy with the news of its return, they may not be too happy with the wait involved until it comes back.
The cable network has given a fall 2019 time frame for when production will likely begin, which means a 2020 premiere is probable. Season 3 aired last spring, so that will be at least three years in between seasons.
Some new information on Season 4 has been unveiled, the biggest of which is that Chris Rock has been cast in a lead role as the head of a crime family. The setting will be Kansas City, Missouri in the year 1950, as two families - Italians migrating from Italy and African Americans fleeing the south - collide, with each fighting for a piece of the American dream.
I'd be nihilistic if it mattered
08/23/18 at 09:56pm
You don't seem to know much about the northern states. Winters in the southern part of Kansas/Missouri are exceptionally pale compared to the Dakotas. Spend a winter in one of the Dakotas, or even as far south as the Wyoming/Colorado, or S Dakota/Nebraska borders..... then tell me the winters are similar. Seriously.
08/15/18 at 03:57am
You don't seem to know much about the weather, do you? Kansas has winters too. They have cold temperatures, snowfalls, blizzards, tornadoes, you name it. I don't think that the producers would be so dumb to make the show look any warmer, but OK, let's wait and see. I'm glad that it was renewed, not so that we will have to wait two years to watch its next season
I'd be nihilistic if it mattered
08/09/18 at 09:15pm
Ya know.. one of the aspects of Fargo I always liked is that it took place in a cold climate. Most, or rather nearly ALL television shows take place in warm climates, at best they may be moderate climates or spring/fall of moderate climate areas. In Fargo the weather seemed to play as much of a role as any character. I guess they couldn't find a decent story in a cold climate to base an additional season on. I like the writing so I'll tune in, but well, in a warm southern climate is runs the risk of blending into every other show out there.
08/07/18 at 07:11pm
Sorry probably five 5is season a miss has to be Minnesota for,Fargo not Missouri! Just seems all wrong to me
08/07/18 at 12:21pm
Jews can you guys keep your political attacks and gargbage out of just one topic each day? It’s so annoying having every comment board on anything turn into people bashing each other over politics.
michael dobey
08/06/18 at 11:26am
jp you have no intelligence, we independents don't follow a party line and drink the koolaid like the present moronic crowd. So it's ok to dump chemicals in the water? It's ok to import elephant parts? it's ok to remove coal scrubbers on plants? I see that your right wing ranting belies a willingness to follow the corrupt leadership of Washington without thinking. this is why you get on link about cancelled shows and spit out troll crap. You can't impress anyone in person with your stupidity and bigotry, so you inflict it on us. I hope a gay man moves in next to your house. lol.
08/05/18 at 01:17pm
Btw, what's the point of having an EPA? Who amongst us(left or right) is actually in favor of having dirty air and dirty water? Silly liberals. Meanwhile, China and India are, in fact, the major polluters. Go protest over there....
08/05/18 at 01:13pm
Michael - yeah, those of us opposed to unelected regulators (part of the deep state) running the country also enjoy drinking dirty water. See how silly that really is? Congratulations, your IQ test results are in - you scored a 72!
michael dobey
08/05/18 at 11:29am
Fargo usually takes place in colder states than Kansas. Still a show about the 1950's is a great thing to view. J.p. would like 1950 a lot they just dumped chemicals right into the water. and had no pollution control at all. Wait; that sounds like today too, under the crooks running the epa today. See? make America polluted again! just like 1950. So be happy. I do agree that P.c crap fascists exist though; on college campuses for sure But that doesn't have anything to do with Fargo, which is SO not p.c.
08/04/18 at 02:24pm
The producers are probably taking until 2019/2020 to figure out how to incorporate LQBTQ, MS-13 gang members, and illegal aliens into the story line while painting Trump supporters and the police as the bad guys all to satisfy the progressive PC fascists.
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