4.5 Avg User Rating
The freshman drama will return for Season 2.
May 6, 2015
It was announced today that procedural drama iZombie has been renewed for a second season. The freshman comic adaptation, which is the latest entry from Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas, is off to a solid start for The CW through its first eight episodes.
The news broke this afternoon via the show's official Twitter account, though details on an episode count and return date have yet to be announced. More details may be released when The CW officially announces its fall schedule next week.
Comments (14)
10/10/15 at 07:16pm
i hope this show lasts along time im tired of seeing good shows get the boot because of ratings like helix and constintine both great shows but got the boot after one and two seasons.
05/09/15 at 12:56pm
I lije this show and am just starting to get interested in it but its no suprise they renewed this one the show will probably kadt three seasons (like veronica msrs did 0)or it will get even more. But bonestly who knows what wilk happen in the future of the shiw at this point.
05/09/15 at 06:03am
The later episodes got boring
05/08/15 at 12:52pm
I like it too, it's not your normal "zombie" show like some of these others are that have been coming out. Oh, and for some reason she seems so much cuter as a zombie than she is without all that white makeup. :)
05/08/15 at 09:59am
YAY I LOVE THIS SHOW!! This the closest thing I have to Veronica Mars, and it's great seeing Rob Thomas work again!
05/07/15 at 07:14am
Great news-Season 2! Love it when Olivia assumes the dead personalities. Best 1-Kung Fu..You are crazy, Yeah you got beat up by a girl.
05/07/15 at 02:52am
05/07/15 at 00:41am
Just another typical cop show.... Watched the first couple episodes and it's pretty much the standard hack writing found in just about any cop show. Completely predictable and uninspired. The zombie twist is just stupid and a clear ploy for viewers. If you've fallen for it, congratulations.. you're part of the brain dead idiots that prevent good shows from being made.
05/06/15 at 10:42pm
Thank you CW!
05/06/15 at 09:59pm
Pete I agree CW is kicking major butt. I think they have realistic expectations compared to other networks. Which is why they can renew and order new series instead of just canceling something for not meeting some insane viewer number.
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