No back order for the new CBS comedy.
November 28, 2018
Today CBS unveiled its midseason comedy lineup, and absent from the schedule is Happy Together. The lack of new episodes means the freshman comedy will end its run after its initial 13-episode order.
While the network is officially leaving the show's future up in the air for now, the lack of a back order cannot be viewed as a good sign. Add that to the fact that the series has been a mediocre ratings performer thus far, and the prospect of a second season appears very unlikely.
Happy Together follows Jake and Claire, a thirty-something couple who have grown tired of their uneventful lives. When Jake's famous pop star accounting client shows up at their door to escape the paparazzi, it turns their lives upside down. With a cool, young celebrity now staying with them, Jake and Claire start to reconnect with their old selves - back when things were more exciting and less routine - with varying results.
Moving forward into the new year, Man With a Plan will return for its third season on February 4, taking over Happy Together's time slot at 8:30pm.
11/29/18 at 05:22pm
Bummer... I haven't been into many sitcoms in ages, this was one I always looked forward to watching.
Very true though, the premise of the show didn't really match what the show actually was and I'm sure that hurt it because people who would watch the show, 'as is' may have been turned off by the 'star' aspect.
I think they could have done better, because the actors/actresses were all pretty dang good and did really good with what they were given.
Maybe they can retweak it with a better premise, but the same characters... lol
not cancelled
11/29/18 at 05:05pm
by it not being on the mid season line up doesn't mean its cancelled look at the good place on nbc its a fall season show. cbs can have a fall line up each year and change for mid season. granted this show isn't doing good in rating but jumping the shark
11/29/18 at 01:23pm
I LOVE this show! Damon jr is hilarious I’m gonna miss it
I don’t think it was given a fair chance
11/29/18 at 10:40am
I really liked this show I thought it was good):
11/29/18 at 10:18am
I liked the show, Damon and Amber were great together and both are very talented but the Cooper character (with all do respect for the actor) seemed like more of a third wheel for the writers than he was for the show. Most of the stories didn't even directly relate to Cooper and it seemed like he was just thrown into the episodes for filler. This was a good show but I understand why they cancelled it, perhaps with a different premise or better writing, this show may have been a hit.
11/29/18 at 08:47am
This was a cute, relatively inoffensive show, the cast honestly seemed talented, but the premise was sort of weak. By the end of the episode I saw, they basically eliminated any reason for the celebrity to stay with them, but then hit the reset button "just because." When the premise can be ended so easily, that's not a good sign for a show.
11/29/18 at 08:38am
I don't know if many people realize this was actually based on a true life situation someone named Harry Styles. I won't be surprised if it doesn't return but it showed me DW jr is actually pretty funny. In fact I think he's funnier than his dad, but his show decisions seem to suck.
11/29/18 at 07:25am
I get why people didn't like it, but I thought it was a fun break from all the politically charged B.S. out there.
11/29/18 at 07:24am
Frankly, the premise of the show itself was a distraction. If this were merely a show about a thirty-something couple, and her crazy drunk parents, it would have been a lot better. The pop-star in the house was the worst part of that show. Too bad, though, Damon Wayans Jr. is HILARIOUS.
11/29/18 at 06:49am
I smelt that coming a mile away
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