An animated sci-fi comedy following the adventures of a late 20th-century pizza delivery boy.
Futurama revolves around the Planet Express interplanetary delivery company and its employees, a small group that largely fails to conform to future society.
Philip J. Fry is a New York City pizza delivery boy who was unwittingly cryogenically frozen for one thousand years. Now, in the retro-futuristic 31st century, he finds himself working at Planet Express.
Comments (13)
07/21/16 at 08:21pm
Please bring it back. Futurama is a show that is amazing. And bery imaginitive. Something i sorely need but i do have a lot of ideas for this show please contact me via email.
09/13/14 at 09:36am
i liked this show, it was funny and imaginative.
08/07/14 at 09:56pm
09/23/13 at 01:03pm
i really hope this how comes back it was a great cartoon i loved it.. bring back futurama
08/08/13 at 08:08pm
I hope this show comes back.
08/02/13 at 01:08am
This show has died quite a few times i have my doubt it will stay dead
07/19/13 at 04:59am
They cancelled the show 5 times, but hypno toad brings it back on 8 times.
06/22/13 at 08:12pm
Omg why would they even cancel that show better than any comedy central cartoon(except south park ).
06/18/13 at 09:16pm
05/31/13 at 07:47am
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