
- Cancelled -
4.5  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Jul 18, 2006 - Jul 16, 2012




Drama / Sci-fi




Jack - Colin FergusonAllison - Salli Richardson-WhitfieldHenry - Joe MortonZoe - Jordan HinsonNathan - Ed QuinnJo - Erica CerraDouglas - Neil GraystonZane - Niall MatterTrevor - James Callis

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Small Town. Big Secret. Eureka is a science fiction drama set in Eureka, Oregon.

A car accident leads U.S. Marshal Jack Carter into the top-secret Pacific Northwest town of Eureka, OR. For decades, the US government has relocated the world's smartest geniuses here - a town where innovation and chaos have lived hand in hand.

Nearly everyone in Eureka works for Global Dynamics, a huge advanced research facility responsible for the development of all major technological breakthroughs in the last 50 years.

Comments (67)

05/24/12 at 01:52pm

its sad but i loved the show :(
05/18/12 at 05:33pm

Really sad! One of the few intelligent shows on the tube!
05/17/12 at 10:23am

I'm surprised it lasted that long.
05/15/12 at 05:56pm

won't be watching to much on syfy anymore to bad :(
05/15/12 at 07:13am

Syfy channel is stupid for cancelling Eureka. Its one of the best shows on TV now. its a GREAT show and will be missed.
05/14/12 at 05:02pm

That is very Disappointing. My Family Loves Eureka because it is good Family entertainment. There are not any good SyFy shows anymore that are good clean entertainment. All the SyFy shows we like always get cancelled. Like Terra Nova, we have not see Merlin or Warehouse 13 in a while either. Sanctuary is pretty good as well.
05/14/12 at 12:40pm

O'k Syfy Eureka was the "ONLY" show you had that I watched on a regular basis. Looks like your history now!!!
05/14/12 at 10:53am

It's because "SyFY" is no longer scifi. Whoever is in charge of programming needs to be fired and replaced with the original producer, at least he knew what scifi was.
05/14/12 at 10:48am

This is because "SyFy" is no longer scifi. FX is the new scifi channel.Whoever is in charge of "SyFy" needs to be fired and replaced with the original producer. At least he knew what scifi was all about.
05/02/12 at 07:12pm

Seriously who is running these networks canceling great shows CBS abc NBC fox,discovery and noW scfy you know they seem to get rid of good shows sadly we have morons running the company

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