A sitcom following a young girl who creates her own web show.
After Carly and her best friend Sam put on an amusing performance at a talent show audition at their school, they find out that their friend has posted it online without their knowledge.
When it turns out to be a hit, Carly and Sam continue to put on the iCarly webcast out of a makeshift studio loft in Carly's brother's apartment. On the show, the girls host talent contests, talk about recipes, and have random dancing.
Comments (14)
04/19/14 at 07:09pm
I love icarly it is so sad it had to go I still can watch it on netflix:-(;-)!!!!!!!!!
12/27/13 at 05:06pm
R.I.P. I-CARLY, SEP 8, 2007-NOV 23, 2012.
11/08/13 at 08:42am
I love this show but i love sam and cat :D
08/26/13 at 12:28pm
iCarly was the best. It was hilarious. My daughter and I watched it ALL the time. We cried when we watched the last episode. There'll never be another show like it :-(
07/13/13 at 09:52pm
It was a really good show for me and my family to watch, but I felt like they ran out of good ideas after 2009/2010
03/21/13 at 07:41pm
UMMM Kaylee Dyer if your going to comment something bad then why comment at all, that is one of the most pesimistic posts i have ever read. If you really think its lame then comment on something you like, cause when you dogg a show that others like it doesn't make you look cool it makes you look rather ignorant.
03/19/13 at 10:42pm
All the good shi* is gone!!!!!!!! Can we get some better network companies who know what viewers like because the shi*heads DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW...Dog with a blog???? Shi that comes out my a**!!!!!
12/13/12 at 01:17pm
they lied! on the last episode sam said that it wasn't goodbye forever it was just a break and it's not and they should of continued it when they all went to college and then end it in like 6years or never.
11/29/12 at 05:19pm
I like icarly : (
06/09/12 at 11:21am
It's so sad to see it end! I remember I was 9 when it first aired! Now I'm 14, but I still love the show!
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