A crime drama following a US Marshal attached to the Federal Witness Protection Program.
Mary Shannon is a US Marshal who takes pride in her work as a protector. Based out of the Federal Witness Protection office in Albuquerque, she helps witnesses get a fresh start, leaving everything from their past lives behind.
Some are innocent victims of crime, while others are the criminals themselves. Regardless of their situation, Mary - along with her partner Marshall - must help them transition into their new identities.
Comments (72)
09/12/23 at 05:45pm
Another psycho cop. Totally ignores instructions from her supervisor which in real life would have her fired in about 5 minutes. Totally screws over everybody she knows over and over and they just come back for more. Shits on her partner over and over and he doesn't care. All because she is special. She cares. In Plain Sight, Saving Grace, Unforgettable, Major Crimes , all the same they even share scripts I swear. So sick of this crap
11/21/13 at 07:34am
Very sorry to see this show end, I still refuse to watch anything that comes in this time slot on the station I watched it on. I still hope to see it return. There are still so many avenues to explore.
05/23/13 at 05:30am
Really enjoyed this show. Another good one taken off the air!
08/12/12 at 01:49pm
Loved this show until Mary got pregnant, then immediately the plots went into the toilet. Why can't anyone write a show with a pregnant woman, without making it stupid?
07/22/12 at 06:10pm
I was very sad to see this show go, and with so many possibilites unexplored. My boyfriend got me into this show a month or so prior to the last season and I fell in love with it only to be disappointed at its cancelation. please bring this show back
07/18/12 at 06:50am
This was a great show. You network people really need to poll your watchers before you do something so stupid as cancel a show with so much potential.
05/16/12 at 09:10pm
This one really totally pissed me off. There was a good story line and it was going somewhere. You just leave it hanging, totally selfish. Why oh why do they do this to us!! REALITY shows is a FAD!!!!
05/15/12 at 09:41am
One of the best shows on TV. Unique story lines, great cast and set in a city other than NY or LA. How refreshing that the writers didn't rely soley on a back drop of the typical urban environment. Now that you have all of that going for you, for a few years, with a loyal following, be sure to cancel the show!
05/14/12 at 12:10pm
I soooo agree. I really enjoy In Plain Sight and don[t understand why the cancellation. It's a sad thing - one of the best shows on TV to date
05/14/12 at 11:31am
I know right...finally I had a show i watched from the beginning and watched every show cuz it was good....then they get rid of it...and the way it ended was olike they are gonna make a new show without her.....i hope so.....it was a great show and it sux its gone......ty for the show cast.....i agree with Mitch...get rid of those dumb ass reality shows.....WHO CARES.......they suck
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