Connie Cheek
11/28/16 at 11:09am
This ending was the worst I've ever seen it also had way to much hard core sex soft sex would have been better.but I really liked it,I watched the series 3or4 times. Wish they could bring it back with a new seems like they were in such hurry to end it that they didn't give it much thought.
02/15/15 at 02:38pm
Loved this show for seasons 1-4 then it started to get ridiculous. HBO strayed too far from the Sookie Stackhouse books and more or less ruined all the characters. HBO usually good for killing off characters in their series and in my opinion some characters could have stood to die long ago.
09/13/14 at 02:30pm
Goodbye true blood, RIP. You will be missed.
08/24/14 at 09:33pm
I was wrong. The more I watch of this, the more I hate it.
D Racula
08/04/14 at 04:11am
Nothing like the reality Just another teen based horror series.Like game of thrones boring to the extreme
David Wood
07/06/14 at 07:19pm
It has all the bells and whistles. Fun to watch.
A tiny bit of hardcore drama would make this show great.
07/03/14 at 05:14am
I had ignored this show because I thought it was just another lame teen monster series. But I just watched season 1 and am glad to know I have 6 more seasons to go with a proper story arc and ending. HBO got it right this time.
06/23/14 at 08:40pm
A real good run, really enjoyed this show. It's good to know that the folks in charge of "this" show have recognized, it's time to pull the plug. To bad the folks in charge of the "ambulatory zombies" haven't figured it out yet. Oh well, live and learn, aye ...
06/20/14 at 00:10am
An end of an era. The folks of Blood will sorrow with despair. No vamps this coming foe.
05/24/14 at 07:00pm
I only watch this show to see Eric and Alcide. OMG!