A legal drama following a legal mediator.
Kate Reed was a San Francisco lawyer who changed her profession to a mediator working at the law firm started by her late father.
Comments (59)
02/19/13 at 10:52am
I love this show. I have seen Sarah on several things lately. So much crap on tv. This had great timing. SHOULD not have been cancelled!!!
02/15/13 at 05:53pm
I am very disappointed Fairly Legal has been cancelled. I love that show. Please bring it back.
01/16/13 at 10:19pm
Nooo!! I absolutely loved this show! Why keep shows like Keeping Up with the Kardashians or Honey Boo Boo, but cancel shows that don't lower your IQ just by seeing a commercial?
01/07/13 at 02:59pm
I have become a fan of USA network due to shows like Fairly Legal & Suits. I am VERY disappointed that Fairly Legal has been cancelled. I did think some late changes to the show didn't work, but I still really enjoyed watching. Please give it another chance.
01/07/13 at 07:19am
Good call USA! The show did not seem realistic, it was more like a comedy than a drama. Sarah Shahi (Kate)ran around in 5 inch heels, her spoiled rich girl attitude, Virginia Williams (Lauren) with her low cut risque dresses...all just did not seem real. Although i tried to keep an open mind. The show just did not appeal to the more mature audiences.
01/01/13 at 12:52pm
Crushed. I loved this show-
12/21/12 at 00:35am
I'm so glad to see that our beloved Kate(Sarah Shahi) has landed a recurring role on NBC's "Chicago Fire". It is a fantastic show and I hope they find a permanent spot for her. If you haven't seen it, check it out on NBC, Wednesdays at 10pm. Good luck Sarah!!!
12/07/12 at 05:44pm
Please bring Kate back, i have been waiting and wondering where the show is.
12/05/12 at 11:37pm
I was so looking forward to the new season. This is awful! USA Network was really impressing me with great additions over the last couple of years such as "Suits", "Necessary Roughness", Fairly Legal", and "Common Law". I can't believe they cancelled the last two without even trying another time slot first. I'm guess they prefer to fill entire nights with reruns of NCIS. What a joke!
12/03/12 at 01:29pm
We also, were looking forward to the new season. When I think of some of the crap that is still on, and you go ahead a cancel a great show like this, it makes me wonder..............what the hell were you thinking!!
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