mike dobey
08/31/15 at 05:48pm
This show ended with five seasons. It was a decent show , although season 4 was weak in comparison to the other seasons , the fifth season was a strong one. The final ending featured a great villain , the queen monster at least, her death making all the other aliens blow up was silly. But who cares , at least we got a real ending.
08/17/15 at 07:46pm
I will miss it. Reminds me a lot of The Little House on the Prarie. The sci-fi aspect was so so but the interaction of members of the primary extended family was great. Good bye old friend.
Falling Skies INC
03/11/15 at 02:35am
We are glad to announce that we are bringing falling skies back to AUSSTAR ONLY, Season 5 will kick of in September 15th. If you do have any questions please contact us on VIA email fallingskiesinc@hotmail.com glad to see everone still supporting us!
03/07/15 at 08:38pm
Like the show, but glad to see it's ending. That's the problem with many shows, they hang on long after they should have ended and become a joke. This one will hopefully offer a good conclusion to the story.
dee dee
09/26/14 at 00:17am
Can not see how an upscale channel like Discovery can run a mindless program like"NAKED AND AFRAID".I personally have had enough reality,scripted reality,dancing,singing,storage lockers,and out of the 120 channels I pay for, good old channels like Usa and many more, about 25 are re-runs or 24 hours daily of one show. PLEASE BRING BACK FREE TV,I WILL GLADLY GO ON THE ROOF AND ADJUST THE ANTENNA .Thanks!
John Diz
09/13/14 at 09:18pm
If you think this show is good you must have a very low IQ. You are the reason television is as bad as it is today.
09/02/14 at 01:02pm
PLEASE! Get rid of the Hippie chick and the commune! Get back to the original premise of the show.
08/24/14 at 04:54am
This series is just too simple for me. I guess there's not enough mature sci-fi fans out there to drive a series that has some real depth. Maybe Children of the Machine can pull it off in 2015.
07/13/14 at 07:01pm
They really need to pick up the pace. Starting to get boring.