A police drama following Chicago's most respected cops.
Jarek Wysocki is a Chicago police officer and local legend, who spends his days fighting crime and exposing corruption in the Windy City. Joining him are Caleb, a young but eager detective, and Vonda, which is a rookie beat cop and also Jarek's niece.
Comments (16)
02/04/17 at 10:10am
I don't understand what TV networks are doing? I felt the show was good and was interested in seeing more!
02/16/14 at 05:32am
cancelled because its not about New York
07/04/12 at 12:20pm
I am GUTTED that this show was cancelled. Oh please bring us more reality crap, fouled mouthed chefs and talent shows!!!! Who makes the decision to cut one of the most original, well scripted, brilliantly acted shows in recent years??? And I can't understand that it wasn't snapped up by any other network if Fox is too stupid to keep it!!! Shame.
05/15/12 at 09:10pm
geez, what is going on with TV. every good show on my DVR is cancelled..........this is ridiculous....yeah networks, bring us some more high jinx with irresponsible alcoholics....thanks for wasting all of our time......
05/14/12 at 06:16pm
WHAT???!!!! Can NOT believe this show was cancelled! So sick of great shows coming on for only a season or 2!
04/18/12 at 12:20pm
So mad that this show cancelled! I am originally from Chicago and really enjoyed this show. Yes, everyone knows about the politics, and back door deals. For those who watched the show and did not know about Chicago, this was a great way to see the city in all it's beauty and (not so) good sides. Bring it back please.
04/13/12 at 02:17pm
Please bring it back, chicago code was one of best series on in years. who makes these decisions.
02/15/12 at 05:18pm
Another great show bites the ratings dust! What is wrong with the people watching TV or reporting the ratings. Something is wrong here.....
01/25/12 at 03:33am
WHY WHY WHY this was one of my favourtite shows of all time???
01/23/12 at 02:11am
I finally noticed this wasn't around and that I wanted to watch the next season. This was a great show. I bet it was cancelled because it reinforced everyone's idea of how corrupt the government in Chicago is.
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