A drama following a former superhero who rebuilds her life as a private investigator.
Jessica Jones is a former superhero who is dealing with the tragic end of her career. In rebuilding her life, Jessica starts her own detective agency in New York City's Hell's Kitchen, while trying to recover from her troubled past.
Comments (12)
11/20/15 at 10:27am
started really good , dropped down alittle , then went down hill after episode 7.
she is the perfect 13 year old super hero with all her 13 year old solutions to the problems she faces ... the only problem with all that was .... she's not a 13 year old powerless teenage girl. 7/10 just because it was dark , and i freakin' love dark other wise i would've given it about 5/10. still pretty decent 1 season only kinnda show i dun see a 2nd season in its future.
she is the perfect 13 year old super hero with all her 13 year old solutions to the problems she faces ... the only problem with all that was .... she's not a 13 year old powerless teenage girl. 7/10 just because it was dark , and i freakin' love dark other wise i would've given it about 5/10. still pretty decent 1 season only kinnda show i dun see a 2nd season in its future.
10/29/15 at 00:44am
50/50 change of making it
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