11/30/23 at 08:35am
Super woke and all that, but pretty good so far.
Andrew Jackson
12/09/21 at 08:21am
A little too formulaic, but the premise is sound and the acting solid. It just needed a bit more creativity and support from the whole Arrowverse team.
06/01/21 at 03:24pm
I never knew about Black Lightning in the comics when I was a kid. The series was okay, but it had too many of one family having "powers" and really only one main villain in Tobias who, by the way, had a TERRIBLE sendoff in the series finale. The writers of the show had to know the last thing Tobias said would be compared to Khan from the Star Trek movie and would be a disaster. They should have had Samuel Jackson write a closing dialogue that would have fit the character. What we got seemed lame. Maybe the writers got lazy, I don't know...
03/05/21 at 01:57pm
I really like this show. It is the only DC show (on CW) that doesn't feel like a CW show. If that makes sense.
Someone tell me how Supergirl got as many seasons as it did and somehow Batwoman gets a third season but BL is getting written off after 4 seasons. That's some bull crap.
12/05/20 at 11:15am
Crap of a show. Glad it's canceled.
09/27/18 at 06:39pm
Like this show. Great actors and first for me to see a black albino actor....and he is great too. I just started watching thanks to my son. I didn't about CW channel.
tom gibson
07/02/18 at 06:53pm
"Why does it seem that all the criminals are white??
Criminals are also black as well!"
Uh, the main villain is black, he's just albino. Were there any other "white" villains?
03/16/18 at 05:02pm
I just can't seem to get into this show. It doesn't have the same "wow" factor that the other CW superhero shows have. I haven't watched the past 2 episodes because it seems all the Black Lightning action is in the last 5-10 minutes of the show; the rest is just story filler. Maybe I'll try to give it another shot and watch the past 2 episodes this weekend.
01/26/18 at 05:50pm
Why does it seem that all the criminals are white??
Criminals are also black as well!
01/18/18 at 12:12pm
TV version of BLACK PANTHER, of course they will merge with the other CW shows. Booooooo