A dramedy following a grad student moonlighting as a dominatrix who enlists her gay BFF as her assistant.
Tiff is a New York City grad student who moonlights as a dominatrix. After recently reconnecting with her former best friend from high school, she recruits him to be her assistant to make some extra cash.
The unlikely pair's new professional relationship starts redefining their friendship. And it even helps them find themselves.
Comments (2)
03/01/23 at 07:16pm
Very satisfying ending. It tied up all the loose ends. It was canceled by Netflix, but it feels like a Concluded show.
07/03/21 at 05:18pm
Just too small a interest in s and m bondage to be successful. A movie might have been worth a view for some but not a series. Few care about this to invest that much time in this subject.