A game show where contestants attempt to determine the ranking of hilarious and miserable real-life events.
Jameela Jamil hosts this game show that features two teams, each made up of one contestant with two memebers of the Impractical Jokers. Teams face off by attempting to rate hilarious and miserable real-life events on a scale of 1-100 based on a ranking system created by therapists.
Comments (3)
01/26/23 at 08:30am
I hated the "Piratical Jokers" and this show is no better.BOOOOOOO!!!
01/09/21 at 10:06am
I love the whole combination -- the hostess is wonderful and the guys are funny and have great one-liners. I have to admit I love the videos and articles they dig up about outlandish incidents. Hope it stays on the air -- we need weird and funny right now.
01/04/20 at 05:46pm
I love impractical jokers but this show is just flat out stupid and pointless