A comedy following a teenage Persian boy entering his first year of high school.
Chad is a 14-year-old Persian boy in his first year of high school. Wanting desperately to be popular, Chad's friendships and sanity are tested as he does his best to make friends with the cool kids while enduring his mom's dating life and reconciling with his cultural identity.
Comments (85)
01/20/24 at 06:10am
I'm so glad they canceled this p.o.s.show this has woke written all over it it's disgusting and gross but I guess that's what Hollywood is now no morals or standards
07/11/22 at 11:36am
Season 2 will not be airing.
TBS Cancels 'Chad' Ahead Of Season 2 Premiere
TBS Cancels 'Chad' Ahead Of Season 2 Premiere
05/18/21 at 08:53pm
They make 14 year old boys look like their cry babies it's stupid and it's kind of racist cause it's making her family look like they don't know how to act in America and make some look embarrassed to be
05/18/21 at 01:33pm
This SH!T'S Gross.. i just read all this websites comments about this show.. out of the like 75 people who said something, 4 defended it.. even still what a WORTHLESS STUPID IDEA for todays so called COMEDY.. although with Hollywood in control of it, i CAN believe there is even something like this on TV like TBS, LIKE BIDEN, HANDS DOWN this is TOXIC TRASH for KIDS and FUTURE GENERATIONS and ADLUTS ALIKE.. trying to make TRANSEXUALS the new normal and deserve RESPECT.. It's NOT NORMAL TO WANNA GET YOUR DICK AND BALLS CHOPPED OFF and TRY to MAKE KIDS and other PEOPLE FEEL PROUD ABOUT IT!! CANCEL!! CANCEL!! CANCEL!! DON'T LET THIS TYPE OF SH!T BREED..
05/11/21 at 02:56pm
Is this really what TV has come to horrible just horrible
05/11/21 at 01:47pm
Chad reminds me of bad version of comedian Paul Lynn
05/07/21 at 05:38am
The writers and actors are terrible! Does TBS or whoever is in charge of new shows use the logic of throw enough s____ at the wall and something will stick!
05/02/21 at 05:19am
Is there a shortage of 14 year old male actors? Nasim in this role is extremely distracting. It’s too much working getting past a middle aged woman trying a act like a boy. Her voice and appearance is just plain creepy.
04/30/21 at 06:39pm
Sad and unneeded show. Another nod to Hollywood’s love affair with pushing the transgender agenda.
04/29/21 at 04:25pm
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