Quantum Leap

- Cancelled -
3.6  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Sep 19, 2022 - Feb 20, 2024




Drama / Sci-fi




Ben - Raymond LeeAddison - Caitlin BassettMagic - Ernie HudsonIan - Mason Alexander ParkJenn - Nanrisa Lee

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A continuation of the 1989 sci-fi series of the same name.

It has been 30 years since Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished. In present day, a new team led by physicist Ben Song has been assembled to restart the project to try and understand the mysteries behind the machine and the man who created it.

But everything changes when Ben makes an unauthorized leap into the past, leaving his team behind to figure out why he did it. At Ben's side throughout his leaps is Army vet Addison, who appears in the form of a hologram only Ben can see.

Comments (29)

Tom G
09/11/23 at 05:21pm

Ugh - liked the original but can barely get through this on the DVR...struggled until episode 12 and won't be watching anymore.
07/28/23 at 02:14pm

and yet it is renewed
03/08/23 at 09:58am

You wait 30 years for someone to bring QL back to the screen, seemed like such a slam dunk kind of win. And after the first few episodes, I'd figure it would get it's legs under them.

The whole LGBTQ lines are poorly done, contrived, and pandering, sadly as some mentioned. But that aside, the plot holes are just too gaping to get past. The show is trying to be way too many things and is failing at all of it.

I do like them paying a little more attention to what is happening back at HQ, but too many plotlines outside of what QL should be about, going back and fixing things that went wrong.

This might be a bigger mess than the V remake.
Just Keith
02/13/23 at 09:07am

Just avoid Episode 12.
It is literally nauseating.
Jim S
10/03/22 at 12:46pm

Boring! Almost no plot. The actors are one dimensional. I didn't much like the original, but this is much worse. However, they renewed La Brea so who knows?
09/28/22 at 06:11am

to Nope-
I still stand by my opinion which is that the original show's producers wanted a character in adventures as different persons in different settings.
But desiring celebrity power, they decided TV viewers would see the star actor's face and body while others see another person. And the star could see his host body only in a mirror. Silly mental acrobatics !
If he had jumped into say an anorexic teenager's body, we KNOW it's Sam's (Bakula) mind struggling "to be" inside this strange new skull WITHOUT the need to actually see his handsome TV star face. We're not that slow thinking.
So it's really just smoke and mirrors aimed at attracting a wider audience.
09/27/22 at 12:22pm

This show won't make it. Love some of the ties to the old show but instead of being about Ben fixing what once went wrong, half the show is about the team back home and some conspiracy stuff. The magic of the other show was Sam being "in" the person he leapt into and how he dealt with Al. So disappointed, they missed the entire flavor of the old show which is a top 5 all time for me
09/26/22 at 09:41am

And David.. you missed the point of the original. Half the story WAS Sam (Bakula) trying to be the body he was in. That was a great deal of the interest... can Sam pretend to be a woman... a black man.. a baby... etc. Of course, with today's social intolerance.. an Asian man pretending to be black, female, etc MAY be seen as "appropriation" and offensive. I can't imagine they can pull off the magic of the original merely due to the current social climate and everyone being so frail and living in victimhood. Premier was alllllllll white.... so guess we'll see how long before some social group is up in arms because "Ben" is in a body other than a white male.
09/26/22 at 09:35am

.. once again... the "must cast an LGBTQ actor" brings the entire show down because there's no ability to actually ACT. All I can say is all these LGBTQ actors better make all the money they can at this point because some day casting based upon lifestyle rather than acting ability is going to end once producers and network execs realize they are losing money and ruining shows due to it. I have nothing against LGBTQ individuals... but "actors" without the ability to actually act should not be getting work.
09/25/22 at 03:44am

I wanted to like it but couldn't get through the first episode. If it makes it through one season, it will be a miracle. No story line, actors/actresses are dull.

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