The Ark

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3.7  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Feb 01, 2023 - Present




Drama / Sci-fi


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A sci-fi drama set during a time when planetary colonization missions have begun in order to preserve life.

100 years in the future, mankind has started planetary colonization missions as a necessity to help secure the survival of the human race. The first mission utilizes a spacecraft known as Ark One, but it encounters a catastrophic event that causes mass destruction and loss of life.

With over a year left to go before reaching their target planet, the remaining crew must find a way to stay on course while dealing with a lack of life-sustaining supplies and loss of leadership.

Comments (14)

07/13/23 at 07:44am

I agree with Hue there is a lot wrong with this show, They could have made a much better job of it, too many technical mistakes. Yet again another waste of money... Called it a day after watching after 5 episodes.,.
06/11/23 at 11:49am

The ark is a great show .. glad it is coming back...
04/21/23 at 10:47am

This show has grown on me, I am curious about the characters and the story. I do hate the cheesy intro though.
04/02/23 at 10:57pm

Amazing show hope they don't cancel it because of kyles...
03/05/23 at 10:48am

I watched this in 1973. It was called the Starlost.
Just Keith
02/28/23 at 05:45pm

I wondered below...
When it comes to COLONIZING, how many non-breeding people they're going to waste space on.
We now have at least one.
02/27/23 at 07:36am

This show sucks.
02/05/23 at 02:12pm

Episode 1. Stereo typical characters, Nerd girl with big glasses that rambles when she talks then calls out how she rambles when she talks while rambling about that. The Blonde princess that does the "Ugh" at the start of her sentences and even went so far as to say I would like to speak to the Captain in her Karen voice, try's to use her body to use the shower. Brooding/angry I should be in charge guy. The list goes on. The problems so far are to easily fixed, cant get door open-picks lock, no O2-oh just ignore the system security precools. Like the Ship. It'll get the standard watch 3-5 eps decision.
02/01/23 at 07:59pm

It's high school in space. Hard pass.
Steve S.
02/01/23 at 06:09pm

@Dave the skeptic. Please be responsible and do your part in community service by watching all those tv shows that you don't really want to watch. Please subscribe to as many services as you are able, and consider buying a tv for every room. You can multitask, and even watch shows you don't want to while sitting on the toilet.

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