The latest entry in the franchise will return for Season 2.
December 16, 2019
It is being reported that Star Trek: Picard has been picked up by CBS All Access for a second season. The good news comes five weeks ahead of the sci-fi drama's debut on the streaming service, and comes in the wake of the series being selected to receive a tax credit towards a new season from the California Film Commission.
Star Trek: Picard is the second entry in the storied franchise to launch on CBS All Access, following 2017's Star Trek: Discovery, which will be heading into its third season next year.
Picard takes place 20 years after the events that occurred in 2002's Star Trek: Nemesis. With life in the galaxy vastly different since the dissolution of the Romulan Empire, retired admiral Jean-Luc Picard embarks on the next chapter of his life.
Star Trek: Picard premieres January 23 on CBS All Access, with new episodes set to release on a weekly basis. Look for Season 2 in late 2020 or early 2021.
12/18/19 at 11:56am
The Plopster is looking forward to this one. Got my tea cup ready! Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
Common Sense
12/18/19 at 09:00am
@Mark Hampson
Don't answer a question then ask it. "The good news comes five weeks ahead of the sci-fi drama's debut" - "they've literally just renewed it"
They haven't aired it why worry about renewing it? Sends the message that they don't think people will watch it and they need to assure people's fears about it.
Mark Hampson
12/18/19 at 05:38am
Corbus - the world needs Star Trek. Shut up about taxes, nobody is interested.
12/17/19 at 08:33pm
4.4 User Rating? Really?? It hasn't even aired! Who rated it?
12/17/19 at 02:54pm
No one.. NO ONE.. needs Star Trek to survive.. taxes should be paid.
12/17/19 at 02:54pm
If you think people aren't starving in the US.. you are blind to the homeless issue.Yes this provides jobs in one industry.. but TAXES are supposed to be for the entire population.. not for jobs in one industry. It's credits such as these that cause corporations to pay 0 tax, while struggling middle-class families are burdened with tax debt to make up the shortfall.
Mark Hampson
12/17/19 at 02:47pm
"Common Sense" - they've literally just renewed it, what makes you think CBS have no hope for it????
I'm expecting big things from this show - Patrick Stewart reprising the role of Picard will be something to enjoy.
Common Sense
12/17/19 at 10:19am
I thought this might be good. Too bad CBS has no hope for it.
will spoon
12/17/19 at 07:34am
Nothing more delicious than a food stamp the US is now a third world country
12/16/19 at 09:52pm
Tax credits used this way help keep productions in certain cities or states or even countries, thus expanding employment.
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